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Are you ACTING like a leader?

There are just too many 'posers' out there calling themselves leaders when they aren't taking their teams anywhere. I call out this injustice because it's robbing our organizations and our people...

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Forgo Coaching at Your Own Peril

I now wonder how anyone learns to scale across the craggy cliffs of work and career without a guide. Sure you can go it alone...but to your own peril.

I spent last weekend in the Rocky Mountains...

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The Four Markers of a Healthy Team - Is Your Team Health at Risk?

Much can be learned about our medical past, present and future by just taking a blood sample. As a fifty-something year old male I faithfully get tested each year for my risk of prostate cancer. It...

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Are Your Employees Owners or Renters?

 If you’ve ever owned a rental property you surely know the difference. The way you drive a rental car is likely not the way you drive your own car. The difference is real. The...

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It's Time to Take the Corporate Plaque off the Wall

Most corporate reception areas have a vision statement hanging silently behind the plastic rhododendron. These were all the rage in the late 90s and early 2000s but I, for one, believe their time...

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What's your ONE WORD for 2021?


What is the one word that will inspire you in 2021? Let me share with you the word that I will carry throughout 2021. It will inspire me and challenge me at the same time. I also challenge you to...

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Part Two - What is your ONE WORD for 2021?


Now that you've chosen a word to INSPIRE and challenge you, how will you ENGAGE with that word? How will you connect with it and create a plan of action to ensure your word is truly...

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Part Three - What is your one word for 2021?


Now that you've chosen your word and have  plan to incorporate it in your life, let's talk about step three in the transformation process. Find the support to help you move forward. 

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Part Four - What is your ONE WORD for 2021


Step 4 (of 4) in the change and transformation process. See how you can make good changes permanent in your life this year. Make 2021 the best year of your life! 

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The Three Responsibilities of Governance. Where to Begin? An illogical Sequence

The conversation that happens most often in the boardroom is on the topic of fiduciary responsibility. Why is this? Why does the conversation tend to gravitate to an organization's financial...

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