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Pandemic Fatigue? There's Hope!


Change takes its toll. The last few years of living in a global pandemic have placed a heavy burden on us all. We’ve had to adapt to so many changes to the fundamental ways in which we’ve always lived our lives. From social distancing, to working remotely, to navigating new ways to keep our families functioning we’ve been tried and tested to the limit. 

The predominant sentiment I am finding today, in coaching teams, is a deep seeded sense of fatigue and loss. Most may have accepted this new reality and tempered their hope that things will return to the old ways, but they are left with a lingering feeling of being depleted, deenergized and basically tired. This makes basic routines like coming to work and finding joy in daily activities much more difficult. 

The long duration of this pandemic, three years now, has had us cycle through popular psychology notions of self-care, knowing your “why”, focusing on serving others, gratitude, or finding a purpose. We've retreated to self-soothing behaviours in the consumption of inordinate amounts of social media, recreation, food or alcohol. It’s understandable, but ineffective. We’re only numbing our pain. Sure, there is value in self-care and making time for our well-being. As a vegan, ultra-runner I’m a huge proponent of the merits of a healthy diet, proper rest, exercise and time in the sun. But these aren’t cures, they’re more like soothing tissues bringing temporary relief when you have a bad cold. The underlying problem still exists. 

In my work with teams, I have found a new starting place. You see, you can’t focus on building a more effective team, or getting excited about a team goal or mission if you’re weak, weary or tired. You simply can’t. But if a focus on self care doesn’t bring new energy and there’s nothing really in the tank to give to others, then what is one to do? This makes team-building very difficult. 

What I have found is that there is hope. It’s not found in distracting ourselves in either myopic self absorption or focusing exclusively on the problems of others. There is a different way.  There is a new place to begin.

You see, the basis of my coaching and consulting practice is that the best teams recognize and tap into the unique abilities of each team member and form a community that brings together and effectively leverages these skills for a purpose. There are three key elements here that are important. One, that each person has something to give; two, that  we work with and for the benefit of others; and three, that that community of people must work together for a common purpose. When this happens, magic happens. People come alive, they get reenergized, and focused.

The point is, that it starts with the individual. They must look inward to see what they have to offer and then look outward to give from their unique self to feel fully alive. Introspection alone has no value, nor does the endless service of others, both are draining. But when you can see how you are uniquely equipped through your life, skills and experiences to make your unique mark or contribution on the world around you, something changes. 

I help the teams I work with begin here, finding and articulating their individual contributions. In fact, I have found that there are four universal laws of contribution that I share with my clients to help them recognize and unleash their contribution in any situation. 

The results are stunning. I have seen clients come to tears when they begin to connect with their inherent value, gifting and the opportunity to contribute. I see teams’ energy levels go through the roof and their excitement to work and accomplish together skyrocket! It’s amazing! 

That shouldn’t be surprising. In a world that tells us we are not enough, that we are inadequate, that keeps us chasing things that will make us happy or the endless pursuit of pleasure, it’s no wonder we are tired and depleted. 

If this is you, you need to look inward to see what you have to offer, today, within your current context, something to give that stems deeply from who you are and how you are gifted, and then find a way to make a contribution. This unlocks the well-spring of life and energy. 

Understanding the four laws within the principle of contribution will enable you, your team members and your family to be able to shine a spotlight on those particular ways that you can make a contribution, an impact, in any situation you find yourself in. This is both a mindset and a practice that anyone can develop. So rather than struggling to survive and being just enough, you can thrive in any situation in which you find yourself. 

It’s time to re-energize. I can help. 

Think about it. 

P.S. If you want to learn how to tap into your well-spring of energy, join me for my next RE-ENERGIZE event. Learn more at


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