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What You See is What You Get

As a leader, the way you see those around you ultimately affects the way you react and relate to others. That way of relating probably started with your first impression and has been reinforced...

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Thereā€™s a BIG Lesson for Every Leader in the Covid-19 Crisis

I believe the universe has a message for you, especially if you’re a leader. It’s so strikingly obvious. How could I have missed it? The very thing we’re all trying to prevent,...

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Are you ACTING like a leader?

There are just too many 'posers' out there calling themselves leaders when they aren't taking their teams anywhere. I call out this injustice because it's robbing our organizations and our people...

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Forgo Coaching at Your Own Peril

I now wonder how anyone learns to scale across the craggy cliffs of work and career without a guide. Sure you can go it alone...but to your own peril.

I spent last weekend in the Rocky Mountains...

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The Four Markers of a Healthy Team - Is Your Team Health at Risk?

Much can be learned about our medical past, present and future by just taking a blood sample. As a fifty-something year old male I faithfully get tested each year for my risk of prostate cancer. It...

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Are Your Employees Owners or Renters?

 If you’ve ever owned a rental property you surely know the difference. The way you drive a rental car is likely not the way you drive your own car. The difference is real. The...

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It's Time to Take the Corporate Plaque off the Wall

Most corporate reception areas have a vision statement hanging silently behind the plastic rhododendron. These were all the rage in the late 90s and early 2000s but I, for one, believe their time...

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Crisis = Danger + Opportunity...Make the Most of it!Ā 


During the 1960 presidential campaign John F. Kennedy was at the front of a very long line of speakers, politicians and leaders to deploy a now overused and misleading axiom that the chinese...

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