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The Four Gifts of Leadership: #1 - Foresight

leadership Dec 06, 2021

I believe that you, as a leader, have been equipped, uniquely enabled, to give those who follow you, your team or organization, four unique gifts. These four gifts were bestowed upon you as endowments that you might not even realize you possess. These are not for your benefit but enable your leadership ability only as you give them away. They are gifts and gifts are meant to be given. You, my friend, are only the gift-bearer. The benefit will come to those who receive these gifts. Only in the giving of them will you feel the satisfaction that comes from discharging your role as a leader. Your ability to impact others, in fact your ability to lead effectively only comes as you learn to give these gifts. I want to open your eyes to these four gifts that might be so close to you that you don’t even see them. They might be so common to you that you don't consider them to be valuable to others. They are hidden in plain sight. 

The first gift that you have to give, might be the most powerful. It’s the gift of foresight and it’s born from your inherent sense of optimism. Optimism is the ability to envision the future plus faith to believe in what’s possible. Leader’s possess both of these traits. You have an orientation to the future, a forward lean. You consider possibilities and risks based on your current circumstances. It’s how you’re wired. With an ear to the ground you’re attuned to see open doors and approaching roadblocks. 

Your job is to share this valuable information to guide your team or organization safely into the future. You’ve been given a voice to use. 

First, have confidence in yourself and your team. Believe that under your leadership, with their abilities, you can accomplish the things you set your sights on. Have faith, and show faith, in your team. What happens to you when someone says “I believe in you”? Give them the gift of confidence. 

Next, share what you see. Paint a picture of a better future, a worthy goal or an achievable outcome and invite them to join in, to participate and belong.

But the real gift is experienced in the bravery of telling them all that you see, not just the benefits but the challenges as well. If you see that the road between here and there is littered with landmines then you’d better speak up. Do you foresee changes in the political landscape, in the market or the competition? Don't keep this to yourself. Do you see that your team might be heading off course by a slight shift in their attitude, complacency or holding too tight to a certain way of doing things. Speak up. 

Tell your team their purpose and the path to get there. 

Use your ability to see into the future to inform your team. You are their eyes and their ears. What good is it if those senses don’t benefit the rest of the body. Aim to be overly inclusive in your communication and resist the temptation that information is privileged. Information is power only when it’s shared and not hoarded. Be an inclusive leader. What includes them, will connect them. And it could just save them. 

What are those things that awaken you in the middle of the night that you have not spoken to anyone yet. That might just be the gift your team needs to receive from you. 

Think about it. 


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