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Take your board to the next level

Expert guidance for your non-profit board, team or organization to INCREASE YOUR IMPACT! 

Here's how I can help your organization:

Board Development

I work with boards to better understand and execute their governance responsibilities. Together we can create clarity and expertise on the key functions of high performing boards. Through one-day or weekend board retreats or multi-session development sessions you can improve the acumen, skill and conversation around your board table. 

Contact me for more information

Strategic Planning

The starting point for every high-performing team is a clear and compelling strategy. Let me guide your board through a facilitated process to give you the inspiration and clarity you need for your team to get aligned and inspired to deliver on your key strategic priorities. 


Organizational Assessments

Is your Board leading your organization effectively? Are there areas of opportunity to strengthen and clarify your mission?  Could you increase staff support and satisfaction? Where are your policies and processes undermining your goals? Deploy a proven survey and interview-based assessment tool to discover exactly where to focus your efforts to build a bench strength. The process can be applied to Board of Directors, leadership teams and across the organization. 

Contact me to talk about your team

Team Interventions

Is your team struggling? Are you suffering from low engagement, low productivity or internal strife? I specialize in helping teams overcome their barriers to renew trust, create alignment and learn to work effectively together again. Let me facilitate the game-changing conversation with you and your team that leads to a breakthrough.

Contact me for more information

Leadership Coaching

Let me help you take your leadership to the next level. Through challenging conversations I coach board chairs and executive leaders to leverage their strengths to lead boldly. 

Whether you wish to conduct a 360 degree assessment or simply talk out a challenging situation, you will discover personal insights and new practices that will increase your leadership effectiveness. 

Contact me for more information

Hi, I'm Mark Frezell

I've been leading teams my entire career and I've coached leaders and executives to get more from their teams. I've taken what I've learned and created a simple, four-step process to build a winning team...everytime. This systematic approach is an easy to follow, logical path that leaders can guide their teams down. 

Give your team a chance to belong to something special! 

This isn't your ordinary team builder! Don't waste your time and money on weird team activities or boring meetings. This process allows the team to get clear on your team's mission and take ownership of your top priorities. Allow your people to discover their unique contribution and learn to work effectively together. Create a culture of continuous improvement.

I work with boards, executive teams and individual leaders, with both high-functioning teams and teams in trouble and help them create something special. 

Let's Talk!

How to build your SUPERPOWER team! (12 minutes)

Watch this short video as I explain the 4-step process to building a SUPERPOWER team. I share with CEO, Coral Cohen, the secret to what's behind the most powerful and productive teams!


Learn the 4-part system to build a strong team

 Team building is a linear process. It follows a logical path that connects the hearts and minds of each team member to the team's purpose. Leaders who understand this process can lead their teams through the four critical phases of building a superpower team.

Learn the four-step process to releasing the potential in every member of your team. Build ownership, accountability and engagement in your team.

Learn More

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Here's what recent clients had to say:

"A special thanks for the work you did on [our] Strategic Plan and then working with my team to help build out our strategy and aligning our work initiatives to it. "

Roger C
ITIM Director, Primary Health Care

"The process has resulted in my team feeling inspired and has provided clarity on our strengths and areas for growth. "

Amanda K
IT Manager, Healthcare

""You came up as an appreciation today in our management meeting for your time with us and how we have come together as a team!""

Jon D.
Executive Director, Salvation Army

"... your Laws of Contribution defined in your book were INSPIRED. The Laws put a fine point on a person’s intrinsic motivation and what a practical lens through which to view the future of volunteer onboarding, etc. Thanks for your work on this."

Rebecca T.
Volunteer Coordinator, Not-for-Profit

"I just read your book, for the second time and got some great inspiration to reinvigorate one team and begin a new new and larger team I now am leading (kick off meeting next week). The Power Team Compass is really starting to make a lot of sense to me."

Yuri W.
Industrial Change Lead

Sharpen Your Leadership Edge

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