"With the right people, organized the right way, you can do anything...together"

Learn how to build your own SUPERPOWER team

 Team building is a linear process. It follows a logical path that connects the hearts and minds of each team member to the team's purpose. Leaders who understand this process can lead their teams through the four critical phases of building a superpower team.

Learn the four-step process to releasing the potential in every member of your team. Build ownership, accountability and engagement in your team.

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The 4 keys to building a Superpower team!

Watch this short (12 minute) video as I explain the 4-step process to building a SUPERPOWER team. I share with whole-leaders.com CEO, Coral Cohen, the secret to what's behind the most powerful and productive teams!  


Start your own Leader's Discussion Group

We learn best in community so I've developed the Leader's Discussion Guide. With thought-provoking questions to stimulate rich conversation, this companion guide to the book walks leaders chapter by chapter through the key concepts of the book. The Leader's Discussion Guide also includes two amazing tools to assess and develop your team. 

Buy the Leader's Discussion Guide
...refreshing... a new and exciting look at developing a team from experience and practical application.

Jon DeActis, Executive Director, Salvation Army Centre of Hope London

Bravo, a fresh, smart book.

Valerie Thackray, Organizational Development Consultant

...a new approach, one that is practical, relevant, true, and instantly applicable.

Pauline Leclaire, Director of Learning, Graham Construction